10 Ways To Celebrate Ostara

10 Ways To Celebrate Ostara

Happy Ostara! Ostara is one of the Wiccan Sabbats celebrated annually, but this one is to mark the Spring Equinox (beginning of Spring). It usually occurs on or near March 20th. Like Mabon, it is one of the couple days of the year where everyone on earth is...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

Hi! I’m so glad to report that I’m feeling more consistently better, motivated, creative, relaxed, and okay. After many weeks of so many two day stints where I couldn’t get out of bed, being depressed, making myself sick, neglecting my self-care, and...
10 Ways To Celebrate Beltane

10 Ways To Celebrate Beltane

Happy Beltane! Beltane falls about halfway between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, and six months away from Samhain. The days are getting longer, flowers are in full bloom, and fertility is in the air! It is truly a time to see abundance blossom, see ourselves...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

I don’t think I’ve ever had a gap in happiness posts like this in the history of my blog. Two months? That’s unprecedented. So are these times. I’m coming back to you, though, and I want to connect with what makes you happy and what makes you...